Swim Update

14 Jun 2020 by Julie Thorp

Hello everyone!

The YMCA has opened up the pools for social distancing swim for only members, but have still canceled swim teams.
If you’re a member, you can call and reserve a lap lane up to 60 minutes. They allow just 1 swimmer per lane.

We received an email from the league- Middle Tennessee High School Swim Association (MTHSSA) stating that we will move forward with league meetings for coaches to discuss our season, but there is an entirely unknown factor to if/when season will happen.

Full transparency-
There will not be a 5th swim season if any the following occur:
1. The RobCo Y does not allow multiple swimmers in lanes.
2. MTHSSA doesn’t proceed with a season (given how much this league loves what we do, I foresee every possible attempt before this!)
3. Sumner Co doesn’t allow it
4. There is a Covid season and we go back to having no pool or sports during Fall.

As soon as I know ANY of the above information, I will pass it along.

Parents, please feel free to call me or email julie@jj-ranch.com or jessica.watson@sumnerschools.org.
Coach Watson will be a better point of communication through August as baby Wyatt Thorp is due July 11. :)

We will celebrate our kids and the season as soon as it’s safest to do so!

We have asked the kids to send a Group Me confirmation that they are going to swim next season given we are able to. We do so in hopes of knowing numbers for recruiting.

If your family has chosen not to continue in the swim program, please know we’ve appreciated your support and membership in our program! We had the most amazing kids and we wish everyone moving on the best in their next endeavors!!

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